Dr. Anthony Lombardi
Fitness & Health • Science & Tech
A community for Acupuncturists to learn and receive support about physical assessment, electro-acupuncture, motor point acupuncture, orthopedics, case studies, and much more.
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Acute Open Fracture

My wife just suffered an open fracture due to a workplace accident.

What precautions should I keep in mind during treatment once she’s been helped and released from hospital?

I’ll be going through what I usually do in such cases:

  • restore function to local muscles
  • Evil Bone Water and TDP
  • perfusion
  • soft tissue work

My concern is whether there’s an appropriate timeline for any of these. For example, is pain relief and hemodynamics/fluid dynamics a main focus early while avoiding motor points?

Is there a waiting period before doing any motor points?



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Bilateral Shoulder Pain w/ winging

43 y/o male w/ CC: chronic bilateral anterior shoulder pain.

Step deformities and winging both sides due to multiple AC joint subluxations over 20 years (no rehab on any of them)
Otherwise healthy, mountain bikes alot + desk worker.
Exstore — (B) GH Ext Rotn, supraspinatus, anterior delt (all very painful to activate)
Palpation — very tight infraspinatus (feels like leather stuck to the bone), lats, subscap (work on subscap seemed to be the most beneficial)

I’m thinking that the Ext Rotn limitation is coming from the subscap (maybe its doing more stabilizing due the the winging + step deformities?), causing the infraspinatus to atrophy overtime .. does this sound reasonable?

I am curious if a. I’m on the right track with the subcap and b. How to best treat tissue like the infraspinatus (just inline and two needle as usual?) and c. should I be considering any neuro involvement / other causes of the winging OR just not worrying about that and just keeping it simple 😅

Thanks! @Exstoreman

Help with a patient with chronic shoulder pain

Hi everyone, I have a 70 yo female chronic systemic patient with fibromyalgia, with pain everywhere for 40 years, surgeries on both knees, on toes on both feet, and on right rotator cuff. 1 year ago fell to the floor and damaged her shoulder)
After 4 months of EXTORE, herbal medicine and diet, all pains has gone but the shoulders. Before she couldn't move them without pain, now still have pain under minimal resistence. still difficult to do normal life.
She got an MRI with the next results:
Right Shoulder: Full-thickness tear in supraspinatus tendon with 4-5 cm tendon retraction.
Tendinopathy and partial thickness articular surface tearing in the infraspitatus tendon.
Effusion and synovitis in the glenohumeral joint
AC joint arthritis, subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis. Partial tear of subscapularis tendon. Posterior labral tear. Mild supraspinatus muscle atrophy.
Left Shoulder: partial thickness articular surface and substance tearing in the supraspinatus tendon 1 cm from its insertion onto ...

Heel Lifts for leg length correction

Hey @exstoreman, Can you link the heel lifts that you buy on amazon? You mentioned you get them in packs of a few. I’m just seeing 2 packs with multiple heights. Thank You!

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