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CC: foot pain
Pea-size nodule on the top of the foot (see image attached - area of discomfort circled in red). Pain is excruciating when applying gentle pressure on it - even gentle palpation will cause 3/10 discomfort. Cannot wear shoes that rub on it because he will get sharp pain.
Nodule appeared after bumping the top of the foot on the bottom lip/ledge of a cabinet about 5-6 yrs ago.
Doesn't have a history of hip, low back, leg issues on the affect side of the foot.
He's seen a foot doctor that diagnosed him with arthritis and told him he has to live with it.
I had a consult with this person so not yet a patient. Is this something that can be treated with acupuncture. He's looking for pain relief.
What do you think @Exstoreman?
Aloha @Exstoreman and team!
Happy New Year!!
Last week, a patient presented with what sounded like symptoms of a stinger/brachial plexus after a chiropractic adjustment (see below). I'm reaching out because it's not responding as I'd expect to what seems to be the appropriate treatment. Pain seems to be temporarily relieved and then increasing significantly again. ROM seems ok, with slight reduction in abduction on affected side vs unaffected. Recommended to get imaging of shoulder and neck, as well as blood test for inflammatory markers (recently was told white blood cell count was high, potentially because of pain). Any thoughts/insight would be appreciated.
38F with history of L-sided neck/shoulder pain/stiffness since 2021
PT and other treatments haven't helped significantly or provided lasting change. Went to chiro for adjustment for neck pain end of Decmeber 2024. After, extreme pain and immobility of the L arm/shoulder for almost 2 weeks.
"I feel the pain along my cervical spine on the left side of my neck, shoulder, and shoulder blade, radiating down into...