Please note: This does NOT include all of the recorded Q&As and Live Labs, which bring a whole other level of content. There are a lot of those (1-2 recordings a month since the beginning of Locals in December 2020).
There are 36 webinars and long videos to date. This does not include short videos (less than 10 minutes), which there are many of those as well.
To get your PDAs, go through the PDA portal for locals supporters. If you do not have this link (it is in the news feed, you can probably use the 'search function' for the news feed to find it) you can email me at [email protected]. Webinars less than 45 minutes do not have PDAs! But you can also get PDAs from the other webinars supporters have access to that are on the website. Each month there is a different one.
Locals supporters also get discounts on webinars and live seminars! If you are not a supporter, join today!
List of Locals webinars:
1. Shoulder Impingements: How, Why, & When to Needle the Subscapularis
2. Alternatives to Needling the Serraatus Anterior
3. Sports Acupuncture Videos: The Acrobat
4. Meralgia Parasthetica with soft tissue demo at the end
5. Crush Injury of the Hand Webinar Lecture + Demo
6. Multiple Mechanical Dysfunction Back Pain Webinar
7. Book Yourself Solid: What's Behind Word of Mouth Growth
8. 2-Needle Technique vs In-Line Techniques
9. Gait Analysis & Coracoid Pecking Video Clip from Sport Acu Seminar
10. True Stories of Success: A Motivational Talk by Dr. Anthony Lombardi
11. Take Your Practice to Your Next Level Part 1 and 2
12. Assessment & Treatment of Leg Length Discrepancies
13. Athletic Taping of Common MSK Injuries
14. Hypersensitive Chronic Pain Patient
15. Obturator Nerve Compression Assessment & Treatment
16. How to Manage Patients Expectations and Create Treatment Plans
17. Assessment & Treatment of the Wrist to Address Shoulder Pain
18. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Webinar
19. Aspects of Patient Management Before Treatment Starts
20. Clinical Application of the Platysma Muscle
21. Understanding Research to Become a Better Clinician
22. Athletic Pubalgia Webinar
23. Tailbone Pain Protocol (with round table from August 2021)
24. Serratus Posterior Inferior
25. OTC drugs
26. The Truth About Manual Muscle Testing
27. Ankylosing Spondylitis
28. 7 Ways to Increase Practice Revenue Without Spending a Dime
29. Coccydynia Case Study Webinar with Dr. Jamie
30. The Art of Using Fewer Needles to Obtain Outstanding Results w/Back Pain
31. Notalgia Parasthetica
32. Plica Band Syndrome Knee Pain Webinar
33. Introductory Guide to Building a Successful Practice
34. Electroacupuncture Rehabilitation of Anterior Approach Hip Replacement Surgery
35. Trigger Thumb Webinar
36. Shin Splints
37. Occipital Neuralgia
38. Relevant Spinal Disorders
39. Pounding the Pavement
I have a whole slew of new people with neurological stuff: Parkinson's, dystonia, neuropathies, cranial nerve pathologies, etc. I want to learn more about how to treat these conditions -- what resources (either here in locals or elsewhere) should I check out? If anyone in this group studied these in depth, I'd love to hear what made a difference for you.
@Exstoreman: in the MP Manual, I am assuming “cephalic” and “superior” are not used interchangeably. I am specifically looking at anterior glut med as it is one of the few MP that I still sometimes have to redirect the needle for.
The location is: find greater trochanter and progress in a cephalic direction moving superiorly 4 inches and posterior one inch. In this example, what is the difference between “cephalic” and “superior”?
Thank you!- Angela
Hi @Exstoreman , I have a male 24yo patient with left heel pain for 1 year. Has been diagnosed with calcaneal bursitis. It’s swollen and red. He plays high level soccer and trained 4x/week plus games on the weekend. The heel feels worse during and after games/training. Feels better for ice baths after games. He’s had physio, cortisone injection which did help but the problem came back. He’s also had the same problem on the right side it that has subsided and not returned after cortisone injection.
The shape of his heel may make him prone to more friction from his shoes . He’s got new orthotics which don’t seem to be helping.
He initially presented with bilateral psoas and GMin inhibition. Corrected with motor point acu and psoas pecking. Also addressed soleus and gastroc MP, inline technique along the Achilles, plus soft tissue work around the Achilles and calves. Also used Lectric washing soda compress to draw out the fluid.
We’ve had 7 sessions so far and he’s maybe 20% ...